CW5 Tammy Richmond - JAG Corps

Dr. Leonard S. Momeny (Originally created by Dr. Russell J. Houser) Season 2 Episode 13

Episode 13 features a discussion with CW5 Tammy Richmond, the current Chief Warrant Officer of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, or CWOC. Tammy has recently moved from serving as the Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Legal Center and School into the halls of the Pentagon. In this episode, CW5 Richmond discusses her experiences as both a senior JAG Warrant Officer and a dedicated Army leader. She speaks on the continuing role of the JAG in the face of modern warfare and the importance of individual development and authentic leadership. It is clear that the JAG Corps is in excellent hands! Theme music (intro and outtro) composed by SFC(R) Joshua DiStefano.

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Ceremonial music is provided by

Total Episode length: 20:35

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